
As every story begins…

Once upon a time, there were two girls. One day, a little dull-green bird got lost outside the girls’ backdoor. The poor bird had not learnt how to fly yet. Anxiously, it attempted to flutter but only managed to flap its wings. Amongst the seemingly never-ending staircases, the bird’s situation was dire.

Fortunately, the girls noticed the little bird and took it under the care of their family. Not knowing what to do with it, the girls put it into a little container.

Eventually, the bird was named Lucky.

Lucky was a baby olive-backed sunbird. To help it return home, the girls released Lucky next to the condominium swimming pool amongst lush trees. The chirps of the little bird managed to attract the attention of a yellow bird – a sunbird – possibly Lucky’s parent! For a few minutes, the small yellow bird hovered above Lucky, yet it never came down. It flew off, leaving everyone’s hopes dashed.

In the end, despite loving care, Lucky passed away. Lucky struck the hearts of many…

Little did Lucky know that it started a chain of events that would change the lives of some forever!

A few years later, the girls and their parents visited the Galapagos Islands. This opened their eyes to a whole new world to nature, including birds. When they returned home, one of the girls picked up a pair of binoculars which was bought especially for the Galapagos trip.

A rainbow bird outside her balcony captured her attention. Plump, the green dove-like bird had a magnificent multi-coloured chest, which it displayed proudly for her to see.

In a matter of seconds, the bird transformed the underappreciated forest outside their balcony into a world of wonder, excitement and anticipation, waiting to be explored.

With reference to books and websites, the girls managed to identify their first bird – a pink-necked green pigeon.

They have not looked back since.


This is a blog continuing that story! Have fun looking at the photos and anecdotes that we post, and hopefully you will be inspired to spot some birds yourself!

It only takes a moment to spot-a dove! [spotted dove pun]

32 thoughts on “Journey

  1. Beautiful story, beautifully told. Congratulations to both of you, from your mum’s friend in the UK, Pauline xx


  2. Your enthusiasm is wonderful. and you’re very blessed to have such lovely birds in close proximity.. Time for your dad to get you a Canon 5D Mark 3 and a 400mm Canon lens (with 2x teleconverter).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooooh thank you girls.  Funnily enough, I was just wondering the other day what had happened to your beautiful site.  Thanks again, from ‘Aunty Pauline’ xx


  3. First time I’ve been to this blog and already fallen in love with it..i must tell you that if i’m not travelling i usually spend most of my time balcony birding..and your story is one of those which just touches the heart and brings a smile on your face! Glad that I found your blog, definitely following! 🙂


    1. Thank you for your kind words! 🙂 We recently came across your blog too and we really like your amazing pictures! We really appreciate the encouragement, especially coming from you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, this blog has shown us that there are many others who share the same experiences as us!
      Your pictures are really great and sharp, and I really love how you capture the birds in the photos! 😀
      Have a happy New Year! ❤


    1. Thank you ❤ we are very lucky to be able to live near so many fascinating birds, especially in the urban environment of Singapore! Happy New Year to you, and have a great birding year! 😀


  4. A great introduction and I will most certainly be following your adventures. I am an avid watcher of birds from our garden here in Australia and to date my wife and I have spotted over 60 species; from our garden, flying over our garden or in the fields across the road. Galapagos Islands!!! I am very envious 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for commenting! Now that we’re into birding, if we ever go to Galapagos again, it will be with very different eyes 🙂 Galapagos is really special and we would recommend it to anyone who loves nature. Hope to see you around! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for commenting and your interest! ^_^ Your blog is really cool too – I’d love to see those adorable birds on your homepage, and that fox :O (we don’t get foxes round here unfortunately!) Hope to see you around!


  5. I am so happy you found a love for birds. We have loved them our entire lives, and always will! There are so many beautiful things in nature to see and appreciate. Happy adventures!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for visiting our blog! We’ve never regretted starting this birdy adventure, and we’ll definitely continue our journey for a long time to come! (except when school bogs us down with homework — then we’ll be quite inactive unfortunately 😛 )
      PS. your photos are amazing and your profile picture is so cuteeee ❤


      1. Thank you! Your studies are important, and you can look forward to birdy adventures when you get a break. We go birding every weekend. The profile picture is a little baby screech owl that lived in our yard – so sweet.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. How awesome that you both do this on your own! We are bird people here as well (and nature and critters…). We even put feeders on pulleys to get them up into the tree outside our kitchen window. (We live on a hill, the back of the house is one story up. 🙂 ) There is always something to see when you watch birds. They are always busy. Can you hear the birds on your balcony? If you can, you can do your homework there and listen while you work! Happy birding! And best wishes for a good school year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for visiting our blog!! Pulleys sound really cool haha! Recently we’ve been trying to set up a little birdhouse (after a failed nesting incident we watched 😦 ) Yes, we can hear birds a lot, especially the noisier ones like the Asian Koel and the Red Jungefowl xD
      Happy birding to you too!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for the follow, Littlemeep! It’s amazing and inspirational how many bird species you’ve managed to encounter and identify! I can barely tell apart the different kinds of pigeons that frequently visit us…
    And I love the lil owl that’s your profile picture. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, haha! Your photos are seriously amazing, I love how mystical most of them look ❤ We have a hard time identifying some of our birds though xD
      Hehe, my profile pic is my favourite owl soft toy that's been with me for a long time! He's actually from Harry Potter 😀


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